Become a Local Celebrity!

This short video explains how and why Cartvertising works. Take a minute…it’s cute!

Name Recognition in Your Neighborhood is Priceless!


Be Where Your Customers Are

Name recognition in your neighborhood will greatly increase business. Why would a new customer call you vs your competition if they don’t know who you are? Placing your message, image and brand in front of potential customers will increase the chances of making that connection.


Designed for Your Local Business!

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Insurance Agents

Studies show that people are relocating at record rates. Some are downsizing or upsizing, right-sizing and left-sizing. When a family moves to a new home…a new town…and new state, they need to adjust their insurance coverage.

The first place we go is the grocery store to stock the refrigerator. For the local insurance agent who wants to introduce themselves to these newbies, the shopping cart is the ideal platform. Your name, your photo and your contact information will be seen by an average of 20,000 shoppers each week.

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Realty is local, right? It’s all about location, location, location. What could be more local than the supermarket? In fact 85% of shoppers come from a 5-mile radius around the store. So with your photo and contact information in front of 20,000 neighborhood shoppers each week, you will quickly become a celebrity in that neighborhood. People will truly think they personally know you, even though you’ve never met in person. You will reach the folks who you helped purchase their first homes years ago. They will see your photo and remember how much they loved working with you.

You will reach first-time homebuyers who don’t know where to start. And you will reach your referral sources – the estate lawyers, the mortgage lenders and the insurance agents – to keep your name top-of-mind.

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Healthcare Providers

When people move to a new town or are looking for a second opinion, how do they choose their healthcare providers? Trusting a single person with your health can be scary, so patients want to feel a sense of trust and confidence in your abilities before they meet you in order to select you as their primary healthcare provider.

Since the service quality of your practice cannot be gauged by a consumer until they become a patient, effective advertising that demonstrates the value of your services can make all the difference in growing your practice.


Want to Get Started?

Let’s strategize! Contact me today so that we can discuss your business and how Cartvertising will keep your brand top-of-mind in your neighborhood.

Don’t worry - I’m not going to add your name to a mailing list from hell. I am here to help, and I’m really only interested in working with businesses that can genuinely benefit from what we offer.

No bots or cookies or secret tracking devices (that I know of).