What is Cartvertising?


Reach your customers where they are.  People eat.  People shop. And people push shopping carts. So place your brand in front of your neighbors every time they visit the supermarket. Name recognition will drive more customers to you.

Hyper-target your neighborhood.  Expose shoppers to your brand…an average of 20,000 shoppers each week.  And then repeat the message every time they visit the store (2-3 times per week, for an average of 57 minutes per visit). 

With most media, we choose our own content. We forward through TV commercials, we listen to our own music in the car and we swipe away, delete and ignore online ads.  But the billboards on shopping carts are fixed in place, therefore generating “forced exposure.”

The grocery store is the hub of the community and regardless of what is going on in the world, people visit the grocery store.  It can be 100 degrees outside or it could be Thanksgiving Day and the grocery store is open for business.

We feel at home in our local grocery store. We know where to find things and we buy products to feed our families. That trust will transfer to your brand when you become a valued partner.

Daniel the Realtor, Tucson,  AZ

Daniel the Realtor, Tucson, AZ


Hi, I’m Rebeka…

I call myself the co-dependent salesperson… because I can’t be happy unless my customers are happy.

I believe in a customer-service approach to account management and it’s my goal to bring added value to each relationship.  From the initial cold-call to the signing of a contract, you will see that I am on your side.  And if there are any glitches along the way, I will be your advocate to make it right.

I grew up in suburban Detroit, Michigan and moved to New York City after graduating from Wayne State University with a Fashion Merchandising degree.  It was a thrill to spend my early career in the fashion business and learn about integrated marketing and messaging with the national advertising agency, Fallon McElligott.  Whether I’m pitching a story or a product, I’m always searching for that synergy.  And I can usually find it.

Arizona has been my home for the last 10 years. I enjoy listening (and dancing) to reggae music, playing board games and shopping for things that I don’t need.
